NativeScript vs Ionic: Which Cross-Platform App Development Framework is Better?

May 18, 2022

Are you planning to develop a cross-platform mobile application? If so, you might come across NativeScript and Ionic as two popular choices. Both frameworks help you build modern mobile apps with a single code base.

But let's face it - choosing a development framework is not an easy task. Each option has its own set of pros and cons that you should consider before making a final decision.

In this article, we will compare NativeScript and Ionic components side-by-side and provide you with a comprehensive picture of both frameworks.


When it comes to mobile app development, performance is a crucial aspect. Even a minor lag can negatively impact user experience, making them lose interest.

NativeScript leverages the native components of the platform to render the app UI statically. The result is a smooth and responsive performance, as the app executes the code directly in native hardware. By contrast, Ionic utilizes web technologies such as CSS, HTML, and Javascript. This approach might cause performance delays, especially when developers update an app in real-time.

Winner: NativeScript

User Interface

The User Interface (UI) is the first thing users interact with in any mobile application. The interface is a critical component of the user experience; it must be intuitive, visually appealing, and responsive.

NativeScript makes designing visually stunning apps easier with a wide range of components designed for cross-platform use. Its ready-made components are styled using native widgets, making the app more natural to use. Additionally, the framework allows developers to customize the components to align with their brand.

On the other hand, Ionic uses web technologies like CSS and HTML5 to provide a wide range of responsive and customizable components. The framework's developers and designers can create custom themes to increase the app's visual appeal.

Winner: Tie

Learning Curve

Learning curve is the time it takes a new developer to learn a new programming framework. The easier the framework to comprehend, the quicker the developer can dive into development work.

NativeScript uses popular programming languages such as TypeScript and Angular that are easy to learn and use. Additionally, its short build cycles and fast iteration cycles make development easier.

Ionic, on the other hand, can be challenging to learn for developers who are lesser-known to front-end technologies. However, once a developer gets the hang of it, they can create great UIs quickly.

Winner: NativeScript

Development Time & Cost

Development time and cost directly affect the development team's budgets and timelines.

NativeScript is faster to develop, and its codebase requires less testing and troubleshooting, resulting in shorter development timelines. Additionally, as it requires less testing, the cost of development is lower.

Ionic is slower to develop and typically takes more testing due to the use of web technologies. Owing to this, the cost of development can be higher.

Winner: NativeScript

Community Support

The community support plays a vital role in any development project. The community provides developers with the knowledge and resources to solve problems that arise from using the framework.

NativeScript and Ionic are both supported by a large community of developers. They offer support forums, blogs, and online tutorials to help developers solve issues and develop applications seamlessly.

Winner: Tie


Both NativeScript and Ionic are popular cross-platform app development frameworks that can help you develop modern mobile applications with a single codebase. Whereas Ionic is excellent for developing web-based apps, NativeScript is ideal for developing complex apps for enterprise businesses that require a high level of customization.

Despite the two frameworks' similarities, NativeScript is the clear winner in terms of performance, learning curve, and development time and cost.

Which framework are you planning to use for your next project? Share with us in the comments section below.


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